An Atom Me // 001// Reaching Land
Out of the blue
One bone, two bones,
many little bones
Reaching land in sonic waves
Feeling what is
Sensing what is not,
Grasping for meaning
A handful of dirt
Shift through my fingers
The illusion of time
Come pull the threads
And weave thought into matter
Shaping the space between the spaces
One bone, two bones,
many little bones
Reaching land in sonic waves
Feeling what is
Sensing what is not,
Grasping for meaning
A handful of dirt
Shift through my fingers
The illusion of time
Come pull the threads
And weave thought into matter
Shaping the space between the spaces
Read below for the story about this piece.

Since 2015 it is my dream to create and tell an interactive story. Back then, the only thing clear for me was that our lives are about navigating uncertainty and finding meaning through that journey. For me, the only way to find that meaning is by going inside oneself and find out what we're made of; to understand where we come from physcially, mentally and spritually is the key to understand where we want to go.
Then, 3 years ago I started visualizing this world which I decided to call An Atom Me (since it's the substance we're all made of, and because we are like atoms in a way, our lives mean everything to us, but we have to embrace the fact that in the grand scheme are nothing but an atom), Reaching Land was the first concept image of that story and it has multiple meanings for me, the most obvious being the journey of learning and mastery. In spanish "aprender" means "to learn" and it comes from the latin root "aprehendere"–to grasp. The rest of the meanings I'll keep for myself, since I believe the symbols the image holds within it have enough power to speak by themselves and to be interpreted according to the observer's own life experience.
I decided to use this image as my first step (genesis) into the NFT space for being the first image of a project that means a lot to me. And by being accepted @sevensgrant, I decided it was the right moment to show it to the world for the first time since its creation in early 2018.
A quick note on NFTs and the use blockchain technologies for creatives: This is a space I still know little of but one that I find exciting with all the possibilities it has to offer, and I truly believe it to be the future of finance and a door towards freedom for many artists and creatives of all sorts. I also know it's a subject raising environmental concerns, but just remember that back in 1960 an entire floor of a building was needed to power a computer much less capable than the smartphone you hold in your hands today. So if you're reading this and are skeptic of these technologies or have concerns about the environment, I'd invite you to trade that skepticism for curiosity. I bet it will be more rewarding.